Waterfall Name: Cantine Falls
Alternative Name(s): Diamond Mills, Esopus Creek Falls, Saugerties Falls
Phone: …..
Website: …..
Classification: Analysis in Progress
Height: 35′ Total
Crest: TBD
Access/Location Classification: Accessible/May not be verified
Waterway: Esopus Creek
Cave/Forest/Preserve Name: n/a
Clove/Gulch/Valley/Glen: n/a
Gorge/Hollow/Gulf/Gully/Ravine/Chasm: n/a
Lat/Long: 42.07211, -73.94975
Altitude (Appx Meters): 8.2
Town: Saugerties
County: Ulster
NYS Tourism Region: Catskill Mountains
NYS Tourism: https://esd.ny.gov/industries/tourism
NYDEC Region: Lower Hudson Valley
NYDEC Contact: https://www.dec.ny.gov/about/558.html
Parking: 42.073181, -73.950603
Parking Notes: …..
Trail head: TBD, TBD
Trail Notes: Roadside View/Possible Parking at Diamond Mills Hotel
We are in the process of collecting trails via www.WikiLoc.com, which we will make available in the near future. “Analysis In Progress”, “TBD”, and empty fields denote information currently being collected.
Originator: www.yellowecho.com
Source 2: Russell Dunn
Source 3: Steve Young
Source 4: …..
For more information on New York State waterfalls, please visit our New York waterfall map.
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