Waterfall Name: Crum Elbow Creek, Falls on
Alternative Name(s): n/a
Phone: …..
Website: …..
Classification: Analysis in Progress
Height: Several Falls
Crest: 1st waterfall is 8′ and located directly under rt 9 bridge, the 2nd waterfall is located at the entrance, and there are several cascade down to dock street.
Access/Location Classification: Accessible/May not be verified
Waterway: Crum Elbw Creek
Cave/Forest/Preserve Name: Pinewoods Park
Clove/Gulch/Valley/Glen: n/a
Gorge/Hollow/Gulf/Gully/Ravine/Chasm: n/a
Lat/Long: 41.78876, -73.92957
Altitude (Appx Meters): 54.3
Town: Hyde Park
County: Dutchess
NYS Tourism Region: Hudson Valley
NYS Tourism: https://esd.ny.gov/industries/tourism
NYDEC Region: Lower Hudson Valley
NYDEC Contact: https://www.dec.ny.gov/about/558.html
Parking: 41.786257, -73.93136
Parking Notes: …..
Trail head: TBD, TBD
Trail Notes: .3 mile
We are in the process of collecting trails via www.WikiLoc.com, which we will make available in the near future. “Analysis In Progress”, “TBD”, and empty fields denote information currently being collected.
Originator: Unknown Originator
Source 2: www.bobbieswaterfalls.net
Source 3: http://www.hydeparkny.us/Recreation/Trails/TrailsPinewoods.html
Source 4: Russell Dunn