Waterfall Name: Manor Kill Falls, Upper
Alternative Name(s): Nick’s Waterfall House
Phone: …..
Website: …..
Classification: Analysis in Progress
Height: 100 ft Total
Crest: TBD
Access/Location Classification: Appx Location/Need Info
Waterway: Manor Kill
Cave/Forest/Preserve Name: n/a
Clove/Gulch/Valley/Glen: n/a
Gorge/Hollow/Gulf/Gully/Ravine/Chasm: n/a
Lat/Long: 42.37982, -74.42964
Altitude (Appx Meters): 361.5
Town: Gilboa
County: Schoharie
NYS Tourism Region: Central Leatherstocking
NYS Tourism: https://esd.ny.gov/industries/tourism
NYDEC Region: Capital Region/Northern Catskills
NYDEC Contact: https://www.dec.ny.gov/about/558.html
Parking: 42.38018, -74.42965
Parking Notes: …..
Trail head: TBD, TBD
Trail Notes: …..
We are in the process of collecting trails via www.WikiLoc.com, which we will make available in the near future. “Analysis In Progress”, “TBD”, and empty fields denote information currently being collected.
Originator: Steve Young
Source 2: www.bobbieswaterfalls.com
Source 3: …..
Source 4: …..