Waterfall Name: St. Regis Falls
Alternative Name(s): Silver Staircase, Locally Known as Lindsey Falls
Phone: …..
Website: …..
Classification: Analysis in Progress
Height: TBD
Crest: 30′
Access/Location Classification: Accessible/May not be verified
Waterway: St Regis River
Cave/Forest/Preserve Name: n/a
Clove/Gulch/Valley/Glen: n/a
Gorge/Hollow/Gulf/Gully/Ravine/Chasm: n/a
Lat/Long: 44.67337, -74.55022
Altitude (Appx Meters): 366.4
Town: Saint Regis Falls
County: Franklin
NYS Tourism Region: Adirondack Mountains
NYS Tourism: https://esd.ny.gov/industries/tourism
NYDEC Region: Eastern Adirondacks/Lake Champlain
NYDEC Contact: https://www.dec.ny.gov/about/558.html
Parking: 44.67515, -74.55145
Parking Notes: …..
Trail head: TBD, TBD
Trail Notes: .6 Mile rt
We are in the process of collecting trails via www.WikiLoc.com, which we will make available in the near future. “Analysis In Progress”, “TBD”, and empty fields denote information currently being collected.
Originator: Delorme
Source 2: Steve Young
Source 3: Edward M. Smathers (www.DigTheFalls.com)
Source 4: Adirondack Great Walks & Day Hikes A Guide to paths less taken in the Northeast’s last great wilderness.
This waterfall is locally know as Lindsey Falls. It was named for R. P. Lindsey, a local Druggist in St. Regis Falls who was a co-owner of a saw mill next to the falls that had a dam that fed via a penstock a dynamo to operate the mill.
Cory L. Haynes
Town Historian
Town of Waverly
PO BOX 312
St. Regis Falls, NY 12980
Thank you very much for the information Mr. Haynes. We have made note of the local name of Lindsey Falls.