Waterfall postcards Set #7
Courtesy of Steve Young Collections
Tompkins County
Buttermilk Falls State Park
Trail Closure at Buttermilk Falls State Park
The Gorge Trail and North Section of the Lake Treman Trail at Buttermilk Falls are now closed for the season.
Individual Trails at the park
These trails have their own narrative, photos, and additional trail information:
Finger Lakes Trail – Buttermilk Falls Finger Lakes Trail
Buttermilk Falls Gorge Connector Trail
Buttermilk Falls Bear Trail
Buttermilk Falls Larch Meadow Trail
Buttermilk Falls Lake Treman Trail
Buttermilk Falls Gorge Trail
Buttermilk Falls Rim Trail
Cascadilla Gorge Natural Area
Cascadilla Gorge was originally preserved and donated to Cornell University by Robert H. Treman in 1909 to support public use, education, and enjoyment.
Fall Creek Gorge
A Look Back At … Ezra’s Tunnel – A Link to Fall Creek’s Commercial Past, I found this interesting. The tunnel is located in the cliff on the south side of Fall Creek Gorge between Stewart Avenue and Lake Street,
Tioga County
Not much known regarding information for Richford Falls.