We’re teaming with the Ausable River Association in supporting local waterways and bodies of water!
You can too – Please stop over and check out their site. Tell them Dig The Falls sent you!
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From Their Site:
The clean, clear water, healthy streams, and rich habitats of the Ausable River, its tributaries and its lakes are essential to the communities – human and wild – that call the watershed home. While its headwaters and significant sections of the East and West Branches benefit from various protections at the state level, the river, nonetheless, faces challenges. Many of the threats to water quality, stream stability, and native wildlife have roots in past industrial practices, others are the result of present day development and management practices.
None of these challenges, however, are insurmountable. Thanks to the creation of the Ausable River Association (AsRA) in 1998, the health of the river has been a topic of conversation, study, and action among residents, business owners, and visitors to the region. AsRA’s staff expansion beginning in 2014 has increased the application of up-to-date scientific and technical knowledge to advance watershed issues, improved access to public funding resources, and created rising public enthusiasm and engagement to protect and restore the river, it’s lakes, streams, and wetlands.
With careful planning, the scientific collection and assessment of data, and working side-by-side with landowners, local, state, and federal government, NGOs, researchers, residents and other stakeholders, AsRA’s programs identify and address many of the key threats. We protect the clean waters, natural hydrology, diverse ecology, and scenic beauty of the Ausable, and we inspire and provide knowledge for others to cherish and protect our watershed.