by Bobbieswaterfalls Waterfall postcards Set #8 Courtesy of Steve Young Collections Tompkins-Watkins Glen watkinsglenImage_20211123_0005 rainbow watkinsglenImage_20211123_0004 minnehaha watkinsglenImage_20211123_0003 cavern watkinsglenImage_20211123_0002 whispering watkinsglenImage_20211123_0001 pluto
Herkimer Standard Waterfalls of New York State Waterfalls of the Central Region of New York StateShallow Pond Falls (3 waterfalls)
Standard Waterfalls of the Central Region of New York StateOxbow Falls, Chittenango Falls, and Stockbridge Falls in Madison County New York 4-24-2015
Parks Standard Waterfalls of New York StateUpdated Waterfall Locations in Yates and Washington County New York 1/31/2016