Three Falls Woods-Fillmore Corners

Three Falls Woods-Fillmore Corners
Onondaga County, Manlius Town, New York

Wikiloc-Three Falls Woods-Fillmore Corners

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Stream or River: Limestone Creek Tributaries To Chittenango Creek

Dates Visited:

Maps and Resources used to gather information:

Western New York all outdoors Atlas & Field Guide Publication 2008 135 E5
World Waterfalls Database

Directions: From the intersection of Highway 173 and Highway 92 in manlius, take Highway 173 southwest for .8 miles. Turn right onto Glencliffe Road and drive .5 miles to a parking area on the right just before the curve.

Length of Hike:  Approximate 1.6 miles round trip on the direct trail to the base of the falls.

Parking areas: N42.99742 W75.99968
From the parking area you will enter the trail to the left. Take the trail to the left. Walk about .3 miles and you will come to another trail intersection. Go left here. You will go down a little hill to the stream bed. Follow the stream. You will quickly come to what is left of a dam, which is now very colorful with graffiti. Continue on from here for another .4 miles to the base of the falls. Between the dam and the falls you will have passed by a campsite. If only people would pick up their garbage!! This is not what appears to be a true campsite but more of a party place. We chose to do the loop, and took the trail that goes along the top of the cliff to the top of the falls. Use caution, as you get closer to the top the trail gets closer to the edge. The trail becomes more of a path then a trail, walking on rocks or boulders as some would say. When you get to the top, there are paths to get you down to the base of the falls. Use caution, as this can be dangerous with rain and snow or ice. From the base looking at the three waterfalls from left to right is Staircase Falls, in the middle is Tall Twin Falls and then Cascade Falls.

Tall Twin Falls In Three Falls Woods

Falls: N42.99202 W76.01186
Height:70 ft
Elevation: 720 ft


Tall Twin Falls In Three Falls Woods 6-14-2015
Tall Twin Falls In Three Falls Woods 6-14-2015










Staircase Falls In Three Falls Woods
At the very top and near the road we captured this section of falls. It appears this is or could be Upper Staircase Falls. N42.99158 W76.01181
Falls: N42.99182 W76.01180
Height: 70 ft
Elevation: 706 ft

Type: Staircase Cascade

Staircase Falls In Three Falls Woods 6-14-2015
Staircase Falls In Three Falls Woods 6-14-2015










Staircase Upper Falls In Three Falls Woods 6-14-2015
Staircase Upper Falls In Three Falls Woods 6-14-2015










Cascade Falls In Three Falls Woods

At the very top almost to the road above we captured the section of falls. It appears this is or could be Upper Cascade Falls. N42.99183 W76.01300
Falls: N42.99209 W76.01224
Height: 70 ft
Elevation: 705 ft

Type: Cascade

Cascade Falls In Three Falls Woods 6-14-2015
Cascade Falls In Three Falls Woods 6-14-2015










Cascade Upper Falls In Three Falls Woods 6-14-2015
Cascade Upper Falls In Three Falls Woods 6-14-2015











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