Urban green space is vital for any area, no matter the size or population.

But, what is urban greenspace?

In land-use planning, urban green space is open-space areas reserved for parks and other “green spaces”, including plant life, water features -also referred to as blue spaces- and other kinds of natural environment. Most urban open spaces are green spaces, but occasionally include other kinds of open areas. The landscape of urban open spaces can range from playing fields to highly maintained environments to relatively natural landscapes.” – Wikipedia

Wikipedia gives a very good idea of what urban green space is and why it is important. Aside from making an area look better, it also adds to the community in may positive ways:

  • It has a positive mental and physical health impact to the surrounding community
  • It offers a safe place for younger individuals to play
  • Offers a natural buffer from the environmental impacts of communities
  • It can also add areas for community gardens, which can help in “food deserts

In terms of cost, these areas are relatively cheap to create and cost affective to maintain. Community members and private individuals/organizations often do the majority of the maintaining. For the communities that they serve, these spaces are priceless.

Watertown River walk Park, Watertown Twn 07-13-2012

Dig The Falls has been working on adding nature trails and green space in the city of Troy, NY. This is in collaboration with the Narrows: Cascade & Heritage Trail, Rensselaer Land Trust and Mount Ida Preservation Society. The work that all of these good people put in has culminated in the addition of miles of new trails, updating of existing trails, removal of hundreds of pounds of trash and the combining of several “islands” of green spaces. These islands were only accessible from one or two spots in the city, but by combining these areas with new trails it opens up more access points and additional trails for everyone to enjoy.

We are always looking for volunteers. Feel free to reach out if you want to join in on the fun!

About Author

Site administrator and lover of all things waterfalls, outdoors and nature.

Principle photographer for Waterfalls of New York State and overall "nice guy".

Send me an email if you have any questions!!

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