I cannot believe it is September already!

I cannot believe it is September already!
It has been a seemly long summer. I have not had the chance to see new waterfalls or make a road trip. I do have a tentative one planned for the upcoming weekend. I have had some changes in my life, and had some re adjusting to do.
In the meantime, I have been working on some changes to the website, which will not yet take place for a few more months.
I did however, hit a burn out phase on researching and plotting waterfalls to visit. But, at least that part is done, and can quickly pull out a road trip.
I am also working on a side project, which also came to a stand still. History along with the research of is a downfall for me, but I am getting it done.
So with this, I thank all my followers and reader for re visiting my website. Hope everyone has enjoyed their summer! Check out the up coming events in the Adirondacks!! Lots of things going on for the whitewater folks as well.

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