The most comprehensive waterfall location map for New York State you will ever see…
…And this is only the first version!
Dig The Falls, in conjunction with (,, Russell Dunn’s waterfalls and hiking guides, Edward M. Smathers, John Haywood, Paul Swiatkowski, Stanley Rusin, Jackie Machell, Julie Hughes Romano, Steve Young, Christy & Jan Butler… a lot of people… have put together a New York State waterfall map that will only continue to grow in value for the waterfall community.
We have been able to accumulate,and map, over 3,000 individual locations that range from 5 feet high to over 500 feet in total drops! over 2,000 of these locations have been placed on this map.
First, you will notice a splash screen. This is to ensure that all who visit agree that this map is to further the education of each visitor to the Leave No Trace movement and good land stewardship practices. If you are a thrill seeker that may end up on the news some day, please feel free to disregard this map…
You will also notice some of the markers are not set exactly to a waterfall map location – These locations were gathered from the trail and will be updated in later versions. Some locations will be missing, which we hope you will help us fix, as well as adding other pertinent information 🙂
In addition to the map locations, we have designed the waterfall location pages to offer other waterfalls closest to the location you choose. For example, if you look at East Jimmy Creek Falls in Wells, at the bottom of the page, you’ll find the next to the closest waterfalls to that location!
Please remember that this is version one and a primary release of our New York waterfall map. We are setting up to gather physicals and telemetry data for locations in the future, so please be patient and enjoy!!
See Full Screen Map Here
Feel Free To Donate to our Efforts Here
Be sure to check out our “Waterfall Road-trips” to help you plan a great day (or days) of waterfall adventures!
Ultimate Adirondack Waterfall Road-trip
New York State Waterfall Road trip
Finger Lakes Region Waterfall Roadtrip
PLEASE NOTE: All properties should be considered posted and/or private property unless you have specific knowledge otherwise. Access to any waterfall or natural area of any category is a privilege and can be revoked at any time for any reason. Respect landowner rights, speak out should you witness anyone doing otherwise and educate everyone willing to listen about good environmental stewardship and the Leave No Trace (LNT) ideology.